Satchel Grande @ Slowdown
April 4 @ 8:00 pm

Doors at 7:00. $13 Advance Tickets. $15 Day Of Show. Advance tickets available at https://wl.seetickets.us/event/satchel-grande/633932?afflky=Slowdown.
The gentlemen of Satchel have long since established themselves as Omaha’s premier good time, funk, and party band. With shades and pimp mustaches, this nine-piece doesn’t just take the stage, they own it. Keys, percussion, deep bass, clapping, fiery guitar work and sing-along lyrics make a Satchel show one to remember. The sounds owes a nod to both George Clinton and Steely Dan, yet Satchel manages to not only wear its influences on its sleeve but to also take those influences and turn them into something unique. As far as promoting booty-shaking goes, Satchel is the undisputed local king.